Advanced Pack Socialization
The key to Advanced Pack Socialization is to use the dog’s naturally strong social behavior to reduce stress and fear around other dogs and people. It also helps build confidence and language skills, allowing for many common behavior problems to slip away.
Advanced Pack Socialization is a comprehensive approach to canine socialization, specifically geared towards dogs with known socialization issues. It includes everything from the initial evaluation to pre-training dogs before they can enter the social arena and preparing the questionable dogs to safely enter the socialization classes.
Advanced Pack Socialization is a process that focuses on dogs that are typically excluded from doggie day cares and other socialization venues. Because of this fact, Advanced Pack Socialization offers us an opportunity to help dogs that otherwise might not be able to ever run with other dogs.

About Our Advanced Pack Socialization Classes
Our Socialization Classes are revolutionary in their approach and in their results. By allowing dogs with aggressive or reactive tendencies in a group with other dogs, they learn not merely to control their aggressive behavior, but to actually enjoy getting along with other dogs.
Contact the main office at or 866-592-2742 and press “0” to schedule an evaluation for your dog for socialization classes.
All dogs must be evaluated prior to being accepted into this class. Evaluations are done every Saturday at 8:15 am. First time participants must report 15 minutes early to complete paperwork with the training staff. This class starts promptly at 8:30 am. Late arrivals will not be admitted.
K9 Basics Dog Training in Marlton, NJ has got you covered!