How to Train a Deaf Dog

How to Train a Deaf Dog

Some puppies are born deaf. They may have been exposed to some toxin or infection before birth, or it may be congenital deafness. It appears more often in dogs with white fur and skin, and it can be associated with inadequate blood supply to the cochlea while the ears are still closed. You can use a deaf dog’s remaining senses to lead them. Your deaf puppy can play, bond with you, and enjoy a good walk just as much as any hearing dog!

At What Age Can You Start Training a Puppy?

At What Age Can You Start Training a Puppy?

Raising a puppy can be a joy. You get to take this tiny being into your home and teach them how to have a long, wonderful life. But puppies are babies with no manners and no idea what you expect of them. They don’t care how much you paid for your dining room table. That table leg is a perfect chew toy! Your favorite leather boots? Well, let’s not even talk about that.