In Part 1 of this series, we discussed what resource guarding is and what it looks like. Here we will talk about what can be done to prevent or stop this potentially dangerous behavior.
My Dog Refuses to Walk: What to Do?
It’s a beautiful day, and you want to take the dog out for a brisk walk around the neighborhood. But as you reach the sidewalk, the dog slams on their brakes and refuses to move. You encourage them with words — nothing happens. You pull forward — the dog pulls back. You don’t want to drag them along the concrete, so what can you do?
I Have a Loud Barking Dog: What to Do?
Each vocal communication contains variations, plus ranges of pitch, intensity, and body language. In all, dogs have a sizable nonverbal vocabulary.
In Search of Rescue Dog Trainers? Look No Further Than K9 Basics!
Any dog being introduced to a new home needs the training to understand what behavior is acceptable, know what to expect, develop a comfortable routine, and understand that they are safe and have a place in your loving home. At K9 Basics, we can help your rescue dog adjust to life in your home and become a happy addition to your family.