One thing you may have working against you, though, is the cuteness! Let’s face it; puppies are cute. It’s their little faces, that feeble attempt at a howl that doesn’t quite come out right, the running around with items that don’t belong to them.
8 Basic Commands Every Dog Needs to Learn
The best training tool is positive reinforcement. This is the basis for our way of training dogs. Your dog will remain motivated to learn if you focus more on rewarding good behavior than checking bad behavior. As you go through the training process, you teach, practice, and test.
How to Stop the Dog’s Marking Behavior in the House
Marking uses a routine bodily function as a complex communication device within the dog community. While most dogs participate in this networking activity, male dogs are much more invested in it than females.
Neutering or Spaying Your Dog To Help With Training!
What are the pros and cons of spaying and neutering? Are what are their benefits? Let today’s articles answer all of your questions on this topic!